The first thing to do on my day off is to do my house cleaning and my laundry then after that I cook my lunch, eat and take a nap while listening to music because i actually love listening to music especially African traditional music or Afro music and also i love country music so much.
Then in the afternoon I go to nice and exciting places to have fans, either alone or with friends.
Or I take my bike and go easy cycling as I love to ride my bike, or go walking around as I also love walking.
Another activity I do or I love doing on my days off is to watch soccer, I love to watch soccer either on TV or at the soccer stadium.
休みの日に私がするのが好きなもう 1 つのアクティビティは、サッカー観戦です。テレビやサッカースタジアムでサッカーを見るのが大好きです。
Sometimes I decide to stay in my room and do some stretching while listening to music.
I also love to go to game center and play some games on my day off.
I believe day off is a day to refresh from the busy week so I choose what refreshes my mind best
休みの日は忙しい 1 週間からリフレッシュする日だと思っているので、一番リフレッシュできるものを選びます。